Penis enlargement sleeve and vacuum cup with weight and extender

Putting on the vaccum cup.

Unsure of how to setup your vacuum cup with sleeve to make use of hanging or extending? This guide will cover the setup and donning of the vacuum cup and sleeve for use with penis traction devices.  Don't have one?  You can pick up a vacuum hanging kit here.  This does not cover taping of the glans (which is recommended), that can be found here


1. After cutting your sleeve to the desired length, (you can find instructions here to help make a clean cut.) it needs to be placed on the vacuum cup with about 3/8 of an inch going up the cup. 

2. Fold the bottom part of the sleeve up over the top part of the vacuum cup.  You can do this by flipping the cup and sleeve upside down and inserting your index and middle finger of both hands into the open end of the sleeve.  Now expand the sleeve, being careful to not use too much force only what is need to get the sleeve wide enough to go back over the vacuum cup, and pull it down over the vacuum cup.  Be sure the leave some of the sleeve covering the opening.  this extra bit of sleeve will make it hard to insert the glans in ensure you don't insert to deeply and create a poor seal. 

 Gif of sleeve being folded back over cup

3. It is a good idea to lubricate that inside of the cup with a small amount of lubricate to prevent the tape from grabbing the inside of the cup.  If it does this it will limit how far into the cup you glans will go. Now insert your glans into the cup and fold the bottom part of the sleeve that is sitting on the vacuum cup down over the shaft of the penis. 

lubricate cup then insert glans and fold down sleeve 

4. Apply vacuum with the hand pump to pull the glans into the cup all the way.  Continue to pump until all the air is removed.  If you feel a slight pinching sensation on the meatus (urethra opening) know that this is normal. Your glans should now be expanded and filling the cup. You should also see that there is a small amount of sleeve that has been pulled in behind the glans.  This will create a good seat and help anchor the cup to your shaft.


5. Give the bail a couple of tugs to check the integrity of the seal.  If you notice your glans deflating or slipping back please repeat step 4.  If there is no slipping or lose of vacuum you are ready to start hanging or extending with your vacuum set up.



Now the only thing left is to remove the cup and sleeve when you are finished with your routine.  First thing you want to do is pull on the nipple at the valve to release the vacuum.  You should be able to pull the cup away from the glans while pulling the valve.  Then roll the the sleeve forward until you can get a finger under it.  Do not pinch the edge of the sleeve, you could inadvertently pinch a chunk of the sleeve of that will then be the source of a failure later on.  Fold the sleeve back over the cup and remove the glans.



That is the proper way to get set up for extending or hanging with a vacuum system.  Enjoy the gains!

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