How to cut silicone sleeves to prevent tearing

How to cut silicone sleeves to prevent tearing

So you got your sleeves and it's time to start using them with you vacuum cup for hanging but you need to cut them shorter.  Improper cuts are the leading cause of sleeve failure.  A poor cut that is jagged is were a tear will start.  We want as smooth and clean a cut as possible.  To accomplish this we need a good pair of scissors or shears.  They need to be large enough to cut through with one stroke.  They also need to be tight so the cutting edge don't spread apart.  Kitchen shears work well as do large office scissors. 

two pairs of heavy duty scissors

 1. Start by pinching the sleeve between your thumb and ring finger below were you want to cut.  Then pinch with you index and middle finger above the cut. 

Holding sleeve between thumb and ring finger on bottom then index and middle finger on top.

2. Try to spread you fingers apart a little to stretch the sleeve by 1-2mm.  This will help us get a straight cut and not a U shaped cut.

Strech sleeve 1-2mm.

3. Now cut across the sleeve with one stroke.

Scissors cutting silicone sleeve between fingers.

The cut should come out reasonably straight without a valley.  If you end up with a valley there will be extra stress there when stretching the sleeve which would cause a tear.  If multiple cuts are used you will most likely end up with a ragged edge that will prematurely fail.

Poor, jagged cut.Good clean cut.

Following these directions should leave you with 2 good sleeve segments for using with a vacuum cup for extending or hanging. If you are hanging with a heating pad you can put the first segment on before you put on the vacuum cup to help protect you skin from the heat or you can also use them as padding for hard or soft clamping, they wont crack and fail like the ebay/aliexpress sleeves.

Cutting Sleeve Video





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