Does this even work? Validation through medical studies.

Does this even work? Validation through medical studies.

On all of our journeys in finding the holy grail of penis enlargement we have been meet with promise after promise of fast ways to get more meat.  Pill, devices, lotions, the list goes on.  In short most of theses are just snake oil or the devices that do work look like torture devices.  Lucky for use there are actual medical studies done on groups of men with ED (erectile dysfunction), Peyronie's Disease, and Shortened Penis Syndrome. 

Study 1

In this study 23 men with shortened penis syndrome.  Shorten penis syndrome is when a person believes their penis is shorter than normal whether it is or isn't. All 23 were treated with an extending device.  They were instructed to were the device for 4-6 hours per day for the first two weeks and the 9 hours after that for 10 weeks.  At the end of the study they found that the mean average of stretched flaccid length increased from 11.5 cm to 12.4 cm.  That's half an inch in 3 months.  Granted these are stretched flaccid gains put it does translate into erect gains through evidence in the PE community.  But why don't they just measure erect size?  Well erection quality plays a significant part in erect size.  It's hard (giggity) to get consistent erect measurements.  Stretched flaccid on the other hand is very repeatable.


Study 2

In this study of 80 patients with stable Peyronie's disease (PD), 41 were perscrived a regiment of using a penis traction device (extender) between 3 and 8 hours per day for 12 weeks.  at the end of the study they found that the patients penile curvature had varying amounts of success.  Depending on the length of time the device was worn the reduction in curvature as between 15-50 degrees.  More interesting were their findings on stretched penis length.  The group that was prescribed the device saw increases in stretched penis length of 0.5-3cm!  Things are looking good.


Study 3

This study was performed on patients with PD also, but it differs in the fact that they used a vacuum pump instead of a traction device.  By the end of the study they found:

.....there was a clinically and statistically significant improvement in penile length, angle of curvature and pain after 12 weeks....

The patients used the pump for 10 minutes twice daily.

So with that, YES you can increase your penis size.  Through these studies we can see that the path to increased penis size is traction and vacuum pressure.  Two tried and true methods in the PE community.  Well how do you apply traction?  There are several ways, extenders (stay away from the noose style), vacuum weight hanging, compression hanging, and the good old free manual stretching.  It is recommended to start with manual stretches then move on to devices, get those free newby gains.  It must be said, the path the a bigger dick is a long slow road.  This will not be overnight and will take commitment.  There are no such thing as fast gains in penis enlargement.  It's a marathon not a race.  Now lets get them gains!


Mr. Sleeve




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